Friday, October 15, 2010

Expecting the Unexpected

Since I began supervising I have always preached expectations. I want my students to be able to clearly explain their expectations that they have of me (their supervisor), of each other individually, of a staff as a whole, and of themselves. The expectations that are created at the beginning of the year set the tone, they put everyone in the staff on the same page and also help me mold my relationships with them as a supervisor. I get a better understanding of what they are looking for in each other but also in me.

I am slowly realizing that expectations is important to me in just about all aspects of life. I don't know if I have always used the term 'expectation' when my brain was wrapping my head around different situations, but taking a look back...that is definitely what it is.

In an sort of position/relationship I have some expectations in my head that I have to meet with the person/people that I am working with and I also have my own of those people. I would like to think I do a good job of verbalizing what those needs are because after all how can people meet my expectations if they do not know what they are?

Silent expectations can be a killer to any group that you are working in. You might not be meeting expectations and you have no idea! How do we handle this? How can you tell?

Let's eliminate the silent expectation. Let's communicate our needs effectively and reduce the guessing that has to happen on a day to day basis. I promise it will make everything a lot easier.


  1. Have I said I want to marry you? I'm expect you'll ask me someday.
    So there, you can't say you didn't know! ;)

  2. Thank you for the comment on my blog. I love when you leave notes there. Feel free to steal any pictures you want for your blog...since you write here so often ;)
