Friday, November 8, 2013

Clear eyes, Full Hearts.

Poop, meet fan. 
Tomorrow marks the 2 year anniversary of all my poop hitting the fan. Not just my poop really, all of THE poop. It's not the prettiest of analogies and for that I apologize...but it's the only way it can be accurately described.

In many ways, it feels as though it's been 10 years. So much has changed, for both better and worse...and in many real ways it feels like it was yesterday.  But you know what, one thing that is's been 2 years.

Reflecting honestly is difficult sometimes. We have a perspective that is our own, that clouds the true vision. I don't think this is a bad thing, but it needs to be taken into consideration.

In moments of negativity it can be so hard to find understanding or meaning. Your body/mind go into all hands on deck mode and you're just focusing on whatever distraction you can maintain any sort of

And you know what, screw that. Even years later it's difficult to find meaning...but what I have found is that it's ok. I'm beginning to think this whole life thing is about letting go of control. Every time we (or maybe just I) get that sense that we are in control, life is moving along swimmingly, that poop comes fan hunting.

The lesson is to be taken from the clean up.  Everyone will have their moments where things won't make sense and understanding will be hiding under  a rock...but the growth comes from the actions taken after that. Any opportunity to quote Maya Angelou must be taken advantage of...

"You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.  In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it." ~Maya Angelou

Each one of these battles, whether won or loss, prepares us for the next. It puts everything else around us in perspective. It teaches us empathy and understanding. But most importantly, it teaches us that we in fact weathered the storm, and we now know that we will be able to handle whatever is thrown at us next. You want to know a great thing about moments? They are just that, moments. This moment will pass.  Sure, we will be effected by the moment. Sometimes positively, often times negatively...but it's all just preparation for the next moment. 

Thanks Coach Taylor for reminding us what's important. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013


See what I did there? I took two words and then just put them together. It's pretty cool, you should try it sometime.

I have found in my personal and professional experiences that there is a fine line between leadership and manipulation.  I think in some cases, leadership styles incorporate manipulation and I can't seem to figure out if that's a bad thing or not.  At first glance, the term manipulation has so much negative connotation that floats along with it.

Dictionary defines Manipulation in the following 4 manners : to handle or use, esp with some skill, in a process or action: to manipulate a pair of scissors negotiate, control, or influence (something or someone) cleverly, skilfully, or deviously falsify (a bill, accounts, etc) for one's own advantage
4.(in physiotherapy) to examine or treat manually, as in loosening a joint

We can quickly eliminate the last two definitions for the sake of this conversation. I am not sure the first definition is relevant, unless we want to consider the people we work and act with on a daily basis a 'tool.' And let's be honest, that is definitely the case many tools (An opportunity for a bad joke was there, my mentor would have been upset if I didn't take it). In order to bring some consistency to the conversation, I think the 2nd definition is the best for this topic. It is amazing how powerful the words are in that sentence 'negotiate, control, influence....cleverly, skillfully, deviously." All of those words are packed with a punch of either positivity or negativity, which really ties in with Leadership beautifully. 

Leadershanipulation (I did it again) all depends on the intent. In student affairs, we always talk about have intentional conversations and asking intentional questions...I think that's great, but if we look at that a little deeper aren't we trying to 'influence (something or someone) cleverly, skillfully, or (gulp) deviously." Now, I am not arguing that we should not be asking intentional questions or having those conversations but I think the intent of those conversations requires further examination.  What influence, if any, are we trying to apply? Who benefits? 

Leadership and influence go hand in hand, I think it just boils down to the intent of the influence. The lines are blurry and hard to define at times whether you are working with students, staff, colleagues, or peers. I personally think, sometimes leaders need to manipulate in order to make a team feel like they are contributing and their voices are heard...even if a decision will inevitably be made regardless of the conversation.  But that goes back to the intent, it's not for a personal gain or benefit but in order to maintain a cohesive group that believe their voice is heard and more importantly that it matters.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Friday Night Lights- Devil Town

This show has got to be in the top 10. This song is a bit weird but because it's associated with Friday Night Lights, it needs to be shared.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

'Hang On'

The lyrics to this song can be so dead on.  They throw in a little Billy Joel at the end and that never hurts anyone...except maybe Billy Joel himself.  Enjoy.