Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Better Days

Time is absolutely flying. It's been about a month and a half since that last uplifting blog post so I guess its time for some positive notes. Motivation is one of those things that comes and goes for me, it's not a constant feeling that I can control. It's here one minute and gone the next. Well, sometimes it hangs around for a month or so but then it can vanish for quite some time. I've been in one of those motivated mind frames for the past 5 weeks or so.

This new job has been absolutely life changing. It is hard to put into words the changes that have occurred over the last few months. New job, new home, new friends, new coworkers, friends that have left the world, experiences that change your outlook, and well just bad luck in a lot of instances. With all of those changes happening in a short time frame usually spells disaster. I have been fortunate in life to be surrounded by great friends, a supportive family, and a wonderful girlfriend that help through times like that. The bizarreness of it all is that I have not been this happy since I was in college. I don't know if the return of Emmanuel College has reminded me of what I use to love in life and why I wanted to work in Higher Education or really just being around people who want to be here, want to learn, and want to grow...but the change is real.

I use to dread Monday's. Hated going to work, avoided bosses, and did an average job. I now enjoy Monday's...well that might be going to far, but let's just say it's not what it use to be. Sure, I miss some of the people that I use to work with who I became close with but those relationships will remain. I get to keep the best of that wretched place and throw away the rest. What I have learned from that experience is there will be better days. If you don't like your job, if you're miserable...make the change.

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