Sunday, June 27, 2010


Frustration has set in. A cloud of annoyance has been drifting slowly over Franklin, MA and has settled in for a bit. Without getting into specifics, I have been put into a situation that will present itself with some challenging decisions. It really is amazing how many different times in my life that this begin to mentally prepare yourself for what is ahead. You get yourself in the right mindset, you know what is to come, and you buckle down. Too many times now, I have "figured out" what is going to happen and have come to terms with it and bang another change.

I am beginning to realize that the control is not in my hands. It is my responsibility to be able to make the decisions when it's time but that ultimately the control is missing. It seems as though are constantly searching for a time in our lives that it is peaceful. It is calm, we are aware of what's ahead and we are comfortable...but I am beginning to think that this is not our end point. It should not be our goal/destination. This has quickly turned into a rambling session but really it's arrogant for me to assume anyone is going to read this, so I guess it is allowed. But my point is that we need to just be ready. We have had experiences throughout our lives that have prepared us for just about anything and we just need to understand when the time comes to act. It is easy for me to say in my head what I'm going to do as I carefully plan out each and every step...but when crunch time approaches will I know the move to make? Will I be able to pull the trigger on the more difficult situation? I think that is when character is built...when you know that the more difficult choice is the right one and you can pick it. I know that decisions will have to be made soon and will I be ready? Will you?

1 comment:

  1. It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.

    You'll know which decision is the right one when it comes time to make it. You don't have to decide until that time comes, and trying to prepare for the unknown would make anyone anxious.
