Sunday, January 2, 2011

The New Year

If I recall correctly this blog has now been up for an entire year.  The fact that I have continued to maintain this blog is pretty incredible in itself.  It is nice to think back to where I was this time last year.  In a different apartment, in a different town (don't miss Franklin), at a different school, with different people...are you catching up with the theme yet? So much has changed in a years time.  I feel like that has been a trend in my life over the past 4 or 5 years...constant change.  With the New Year upon us, it is typically a time to start setting goals and seeing how we can improve and make better life choices for ourselves. However, for the first time in a few years...I don't think that I'm looking for the next best thing.

I have constantly been in a state of mind, professionally and personally, of looking for what is coming.  Whether it is a new place to live, a new degree, a new job, or whatever the case may be...I'm not there this year.  Sure, I still have some goals that I have set out at the beginning of this academic year but at this time I am in such a better place.  I am surrounded by great people who are continuing to show me how to get to where I need to be.  I have a wonderful family, a loving girlfriend, and amazing friends.

2010 was a whirlwind of a year.  I am pretty sure I have gone through just about every emotion out there, some good and some bad, but I think that's how it should be.  I am thankful for all the blessing that I have in my life but I am also thankful for all the struggles and challenges that were presented this year.  I know that I have become a better man and have a stronger understanding of what I am looking for.  Big things are coming this year, I don't think I can begin to understand what those things will be or where they will come from...but I'm excited.

I have just returned from was an incredible trip so there will be a post about this shortly with some pictures.  Stay Tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post Mike! Isn't it nice to exhale?!!
